20 hours ago
Patch 4.0.1 - Turn In your Honor!
Go! Right now, turn in that honor if you have any! If you haven't heard patch 4.0 removes the Jewelcrafting vendor, and you can no longer turn in 10,000 honor for an epic gem. NOW is the time to do it, don't even hesitate, just do it, you'll thank me later.
The reason I'm telling to turn in your honor NOW, is because come this Tuesday ( hopefully the patch hits ) this jewelcrafting vendor will be gone, Yup, no more getting epic gems through honor. On top of this, the closer we get to patch 4.0 ( even post patch ) the prices of these gems will decrease. You ask why? People are trying to get rid of gems quickly, because the patch also removes the epic gem transmute from alchemists. People are going to be MASS crafting these gems and will try to get rid of them and most likely they will flood the market. The demand will be okay for red gems ( Armor Penetration is being removed ), but any other gem color will drop in price. So go now, turn them in and give yourself that extra easy gold.
On a side note, I kind of want to change the layout/design of the blog ( again I know ), I'm just wondering, do you guys like this layout? Are the colors okay? Is the site design good? Any comments would be greatly appreciated!
I read your blog via feedreader, so the only time I ever actually see it is when I come to comment. They layout's not bad, but I can't comment on the color scheme because your images are blocked at work which is where I do most of my reading.
As far as design goes, I'd suggest cutting down the Related Posts section from 8 to just 3-4. As it is right now the related posts almost take up as much space on the blog as your actual posts do. Also, a search feature would be nice for finding older posts. If I walk into ZG and suddenly realize, "oh, I think Gnome Coin wrote something about this a while back" I have to dig through all your posts to find it, so searching would make it much easier.
The layout is nice just get a new colour white is getting old :P
So i can buy any of the gems except the red ones and it should sell?
Well i think red gems would still be selling for the agility gems to be honest.
would it be a good idea to stock up on blue quality gems and eternals for when the cd gets removed? i know right now, i can get eternals/gems for mad cheap, and im thinking the demand may increase when the cd goes away because of people stocking up on gems.
Needs moar pink.. and moar Justin Beiber.
Or if I were being serious I would say you could go with a slightly darker color scheme, because white is boring o.O
tidy, clean, like it, keep it
the layout I mean ;)
I play in a dimly lit room with a second monitor for reference. I personally won't even look at a website with a white background... it just hurts the eye too much. I'll still read (obviously), however. Just not while playing. So if I get a vote, closer to black & further from white, and all is good.
As u prob know by now, this is false, one can buy epic gems for 165 honor after patch
You could get triple as much gems if you saved your honor
making people turn in their honor for gems so now they dont have honor for the Wrathfull weapons .
I hate how you can't spend any honor on gems anymore. I thought that was a great addition to the game.
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